Monday, July 25, 2011

Magical Cape Town Beaches

Cape Town offers some of the most beautiful beaches on the planet, with sunny white beaches stretching east to west. It’s no surprise that many of South Africa’s beaches have been awarded the blue flag status, given only to the most perfect beaches of the world. Part of the allure of this area is that this is where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. The Atlantic lies on the west side and is about 4 degrees cooler. Many of the most popular beaches lie on this side of the coast, with many referring to it as South Africa’s “Riviera”. These beaches are lucky to have longer days and protection for the Cape winds, making them a very pleasant experience indeed.

One of the most notable is Clifton which is comprised of 4 beaches all together, it is no doubt one of the most fashionable beaches. The wealthy all aspire to own homes fronting its snow white sands and people fly from all over to see and be seen against the backdrop of the bright blue water, decorated with gleaming white yachts.

The East coast however has the warmer water with many hidden and secluded gems, which tourists travel from far and wide to experience. These are also preferred by local families wanting to steer clear of the crowds along the west coast. Each beach has its own particular charm however, so it’s always best to go to a few and decide which is most suited to your tastes.

If you are thinking about visiting this side of the world you are sure to be left with more than just a glowing tan, but fond memories of this captivating region and the hospitable people which reside in it. There is a wide array of accommodation options you can take advantage of such as Self Catering Accommodation & Holiday Rentals or hotels. There is plenty to choose from and they line the coast, offering a wonderful way to experience the sun and surf offered by Cape Town, South Africa.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Southern Right Whale seeks nursery accommodation, Witsand happy to oblige.

There is a small coastal town just off the N2, in the area of the Western Cape known as the garden route that hosts an annual whaling spectacular the likes of which can’t be witnessed anywhere else in the world. At the right time of year in this small sleepy town, called Witsand, accommodation is inundated with Whale enthusiasts.

The whales that congregate in this area for calving purposes every year are considered to be the least understood of all the species, they have inhabited the southern oceans for over 60 million years and are said to have the most highly evolved brain of all mammalian species. Every year from June to late November they move from the Southern Atlantic Ocean to the coastal regions off South Africa, Australia and South America. The region along the southern coast has some of the best viewing of these gentle giants and by all accounts the best of these is Witsand. Accommodation in this normally sleepy town can become hard to find at this time of year due to the popularity of watching the new mothers with their calves.

In 2005 a survey counted 130 whales and 51 calves a massive number considering that they have been a protected species for barely 40 years. The region along this particular stretch of coast is sparsely populated and other than in the town of Witsand, accommodation can be hard to find so booking in advance is important if you wish to witness this spectacle of life.

The calving is a natural complement to an area that is already full of beauty. Witsand means White Sand which is simply a reference to the brilliantly white sandy beach that hems in the town. This eye catching phenomenon is caused by an underground water supply that leeches the red iron oxide out of the sand leaving it bleached white. What makes this even more striking is the fact that the town sits on the mouth of the Breede River whose muddy brown water spills onto the dazzling white beaches of Witsand. Accommodation can be found all the way up the BreedeRiver and the historical Pont can be found near Malgas. This historical river crossing is still in use today. The roads in this area, however, are not well maintained and getting around can take time and could require a 4x4.

If you are after coastal activities it would be most practical to find Witsand accommodation, the river estuary formed by the river mouth provides a safe location for a range of activities, including windsurfing, swimming, paddle-skiing and fishing. These waters provide some of the best fishing in South Africa, the most common catch been the Spotted Grunter. Garrick, Shad and Steenbras are also commonly caught. Most Witsand accommodation owners are happy to provide you with information about the best fishing spots or even offer a charter service.

Perhaps the strangest thing you could experience at Witsand is what the locals call Brulsand which, in English means Roaring Sands, when the wind blows just right and the dunes start to move they release an eerie low rumbling noise. Finding Witsand accommodation is finding a place to share in natures wonders.